The High Sensitivity (Type A) nebulizer is perfect for applications that require ultra-high sensitivity. This nebulizer has a capillary that is flush with the end of the nozzle, meaning the sample does not have to traverse any dead space between the end of the capillary and the spray chamber. Applications for the High Sensitivity (Type A) nebulizers include microsamples and low flow rate procedures.
High Solids (Type C) nebulizers are specially designed to handle samples with high solids concentrations. The fire-polished, rounded nozzle and recessed capillary diminishes the chances of solids build up and prevents clogging. This nebulizer can handle any sample with high total dissolved solids content, from seawater to soil samples to organic solvents.
Low-flow (Type K) nebulizers are specially designed to handle samples with high solids with a lower argon flow rate (0.7 L/min). The recessed capillary diminishes the chances of solids build up and prevents clogging. This nebulizer can handle any sample with high total dissolved solids content that are in microvolume, from seawater to soil samples to organic solvents.